
feat: support encoding uri (follow-up to #3027)
feat: Support encoding uri
string().uri() not working with accented characters
fix: handle bigint in unique rule
Fix issue 2730 - Wrong State['path'] type
Wrong `State['path']` type
fix: domain default tld validation
fix: domain default tld validation
Domain validation not checking IANA registry by default
feat: hex prefix
Allow 0x prefix for hex strings
Allow 0x prefix for hex strings
fix: precision issue on number().multiple()
fix: LanguageMessages type now supports languages in TypeScript
fix: do not override existing labels of underlying schemas in alternatives
Multiple doesn't work correct
Fix for #2874
Missing helper.error() method parameter type definition
Type declaration for `messages` option of any.validate() inconsistent with the documentation and actual code
feat: allow custom expression functions
fix: missing template reference
Unit test showing example of formula parsing bug
Unable to access object property with a space in its key via expression templates
fix: allow any.error() return type to be ErrorReport[]
property metas in Description
#2963 make return value of validate match type definitions
Associate Buffer with BinarySchema
feat: support bindary buffer that has been JSON.parse(JSON.strinified())
feat: support uuidv6, uuidv7 and uuidv8 guid types
Coerce toJSON'ed Buffer to real Buffer
fix: commit states to avoid memory leak
fix: do not trigger warnings and externals on arrays and alternatives mismatches
feat: improve external helpers
fix: validation warning types
Type definition incorrect for "warning" return type from validateAsync
chore: revert 17.8.x line
Cannot find module '@hapi/hoek/assert' from 'index.js'
Support for older Node versions maybe lost in v17.8
fix: properly transform domain
Email validation error in v17.8.1
fix: transpile optional chaining
chore: use latest address module
Joi.string().domain() treats '' as invalid domain name, even though it works
Upgrade `@sideway/formula` to `3.0.1` for `CVE-2023-25166`
Allow null values in BooleanSchema methods
fix: better unsafe check of exponential numbers
Add isPresent option to object dependencies
Some exponential notation strings are validated as unsafe numbers
Number validation fails on some strings with E-notation
Fix/throwing errors if required argument is omitted
Some validation methods don't throw an error when their required argument is omitted
fix: allow all schema types to be defined and inferred
Typing issues with `attempt()`
Typescript typing on `Joi.string().validate(...)`
Try improving handling of unions
fix: do not confuse booleans for alernatives in strict mode
Strict object schema with a boolean property expects alternative, not boolean
types: support strict alternatives
chore: update license
Fix spelling
Allow sub-objects for TypeScript strict object schema
feat: change validateAsync return type to match options
fix(d.ts): allow nested object schema for strictly typed object
fix(d.ts)!: type details param of ValidationError constructor
Add artifact to typings.
Typescript support for .artifact()
Fix Joi issue #2746
feat(d.ts): Add type information for `maxDomainSegments` to `EmailOptions` and `DomainOptions` interfaces
feat(d.ts): improve attempt return type
Include local into `ErrorReport` type
fix(typings): incompatible type issue for nested strict object schemas
Incompatible type expected for object schemas nested in strict object schemas
fixed typo
Using `Joi.attempt` with `{ convert: false }` does not prevent conversion.
Fix validateAsync return type
Property "local" does not exist on type "ErrorReport"
Support length() in templates
How can I define both specific error messages and a default error message?
Error messages do not distinguish between numbers and strings!Easily misleading
issue #2606: pass TSchema from ObjectSchema to .validate function
Add Date -> Joi.DateSchema map to ObjectPropertiesSchema<T>
string().min(0) is failing to validate a zero-length string
Updated `multiple` rule to support decimal/float base
Fix typings on any.external(): add helpers argument
Fix label elimination for externals
fix: Joi.string().hostname() not returning errors for CIDR notation
Incorrect hostname validation
any.external: can't disable label
"ExternalValidationFunction" type is missing "helpers" parameter in index.d.ts
Joi.external() error message
defaults in alternatives should work recursively
merge subschema matches when subchemas are objects, or alternatives of objects
add subschema property validation failures to context
Joi.string().email() passes for `foo@bar%2ecom`
Fix issue with only required items. Fixes #2620.
Fix Web Workers compatibility
If all elements of array is required, it does not validate unknown items
`dist/joi-browser.min.js` doesn't work in workers
Add object type guards schema
fix isSchema type definition
type problem in Joi.isSchema function
Add option array type to AlternativesSchema.conditional
fix: any.when() options parameters not supported as Array in index.d.ts
Type definition for the function `any.when()` mismatch the documentation and usage
feat: Make Joi.Schema generic
fix: defaults in ordered array are not filled
URI validation, allowRelative with domain
merge the results of a .match('all') if all the subschemas are objects
defaults in alternatives with a match mode set are not returned
Remove incorrect errors type
Fix confusing message when refs are passed
Added guid separator and made version optional
errors is always undefined in ValidationResult
Fix type of schema passed to alter functions
fix for stripUnknown not working for nested object on invalid object
Appends the allowed object keys in typescript
Inconsistency with stripUnknown: true and failing validation rules
Joi.object().xor() throws with "must be a string or a reference" when passed a reference
stripUnknown doesn't work for nested objects
defaults in ordered array are not filled
Add RegExp to the supported types for Extension.type
Add render property to ReferenceOptions TS def
@hapi/formula@2.0.0 Deprecated
Expose prefs in external()
CustomValidator return type adjusted in typescript
Update index.d.ts
Wrong field name in ValidationError (index.d.ts)
Update dev site
breaking changes
Import types from DT
Support ISO8601 with hours timeshift only
isoDate doesn't recognize correct string
Fix number padding (e.g. 00000) and trailing decimal points (e.g. 2.)
"2." throws number.unsafe
"00000" throws number.unsafe
Support maxDomainSegments
#2380 does not work with complex extension bases
Add extension validation for "cast"
Validation artifacts collected from successful rules
object.default() broke when object is extended
tlds fails to error on invalid segment
Consistently apply wrap setting
invalid GUID/UUID is validated as valid
`larger than` is incorrect for comparing quanties
Add option to resolve `.ref()` and `.in()` values in error messages.
Array item could not be an Error
Validate domain in relative uri
Fix error on changeless forks. Fixes #2292.
Fork object with option already applied
Remove annotate() from assert() when used in the browser
Ensure keys term always has right constructor
Move flag back to proto
Update deps
17.0.0 Release Notes
Remove ValidationError.annotate() from browser build
Giving an array argument to any.valid returns incorrect error
Allow `_` in alias, arg, flag, modifier, override, rule, and term names
Can you allow `_` in rule names?
Change errors.wrapArrays to errors.wrap.array
Add the ability to extend all types in place
Move ip and uri logic to address
Remove node 8, 10
Change default function second argument to full helpers (from prefs)
Remove quotation marks from error messages
string().hostiname() - validation of non-ASCII chars containing domains
object.with and object.without throw error on $ prefixed keys
Maximum call stack size exceeded​​ error for dataUri validation
Joi.string().email() considers "" as valid email
fix: describe() on schema with default value null
describe() on schema with default value null results in "Cannot read property 'Symbol(literal)' of null"
Cannot require a minimal number of matching object properties with `pattern`
Joi.string().domain() treats an email address as a valid domain name
Giving an array argument to any.allow(...values) gives incorrect error
Joi.alternatives produces confusing message when used with nested object and `{ abortEarly: false }`
joi.types() is missing `func` alias
[Request] Allow mixing patch version
Date fails to enforce format when value is a number string
Error.captureStackTrace can't be used in all browser builds
Cannot read property 'delete' of undefined
node.get is not a function when validating
Joi v16: TypeError issue with valid(Joi.ref(x)).error()
Joi.any().default(<object>).describe() throws validation errors
TypeError: false.byteLength is not a function
when() fails when combined with prefs()
Use ^version
array.items() fails to invalidate when custom item error is used
Support `.when({ is, then })` without subject ref
Valid emails are considered invalid
Joi.only is not a function
Support errors in manifest
Always convert -0 to 0
Apply link.concat() on resolved schema
Add when() break
Number validation fails with "1E3"
Apply link whens on linked schema, not the link
Manifest type conflicts with key type
Support for object keys
"-0" throw number.unsafe
Always perform deep equal on valid() and invalid()
Fix comparison of array values (literals and references)
Preference to change label to path edge instead of full path
Default assert() to include stack
Shared schemas in links
Add a browser build to the github repo and npm package
Fix error thrown in the browser build. Closes #2081
The browser build (produced by webpack) throws an error when loading
Named schema links
Support `no` in when()
Default `is` to Joi.invalid(null, false, 0, '').required()
Compile valid values into valid+override
Allow/disallow list override
Log when() partials
Compile function into Joi.custom()
When object.pattern() matches option is not an array(), apply to each item
Custom function error shortcut
schema.describe() does not work, when default value is assigned to array in schema
Change alternatives to be consistent with other spread arguments
Throw on invalid schema during validation
Support chained when()
Keep switch as single condition on when() and conditional()
object.assert() ref should be relative to parent, not self
Support multiple usage of same schema with id
Schema test coverage
Rename alternatives.when() to alternatives.conditional()
Support for combine schema: allOf, oneOf, anyOf
Compile literals into any type with exact literal
Replace marker with Symbol.for()
Cast multi values of into a single type with valid()
Exclude error stack trace by default
Replace boolean.insensitive() with sensitive() and not apply to allow()
Allow mapping flags to rule methods with a different name
Stop matching object patterns once a match is found
v16.0.0 Release Notes
{ result, error } changed to error undefined instead of null
Skip error rendering preference
Consolidate date format errors
msg() template function to access other messages
Support custom sync functions for rules
Remove object and array string coerce
string.isoDate() fails on allow() and convert:false
Support templates as object.assert() subject
Change object.assert error context and rule argument name
Remove binary and string encoding support from the browser
Rule arguments validation
Support reverse order coerce
Consolidate refs with args
Support joi schema in refs assert
Consolidate refs assert's message/code
Ensure all levels of coerce are only called on non-undefined values
Change all _methods used on schema to use definition
Expose all internal extend() options externally
Rename func to function
New extension API
Global defaults
Change Infinity errors from any.invalid to number.infinity
Change error code any.empty to string.empty
Merging of two empty() should allow '' if it was explicitly defined
Remove prefs schema validation
Remove joi.defaults()
Fix outdated use of Joi.func().ref()
Split validate() to sync and async versions
Replace strip flag with result flag
Joi.string().uri() accepts 'http:/' as valid URL
Root reference
Extension build() support
Improve schema description validation
Refactor root
Change any.notes() to any.note() and require separate arguments
Change any.tags() to any.tag() and require separate arguments
Change any.example() to append by default
Rename string.regex() to string.pattern()
Link to root (regardless of depth)
Change only() to flag instead of alias of valid()
Replace date multiple and timestamp flag with format
Rename object.allowUnknown error to object.unknown
Remove description for `default()` function
Deep clone all values returned in describe()
Behavior of .concat() with tests redefinition
Applying `raw` after successful validation
Repalce lazy with link
How to properly detect domains?
Don't require pre function to take 3 arguments
Lazy once ignored when using with when()
Fix object peer dependencies error path
Debug tools
Feature: Marking options as deprecated
Extension messages override base
Schema specialization
Support fork into array and alternatives
Remove requiredKeys(), optionalKeys(), and forbiddenKeys()
Replace Joi.reach() with schema.extract()
Cannot read property 'ancestors' of null
Remove applyFunctionToChildren()
Throw when Joi.reach() is reaching into non-object
Remove any._getLabel()
Rename any.schemaType to any.type
Rename object.type() to object.instance()
Remove root.validate() and root.describe()
Array validation with .error()
Replace attempt() with assert() alias
Remove callback support
Support post-validation async operations
Rename var to expression and x
Support base parameters in extend()
Template calculations
Cast date and boolean to number
Cast to string
Move dateFormat pref out of errors
Support ref into Set and Map cast values
Replace raw flag with result flag in description
Remove support for raw(false)
Cannot combine function rules with object keys
Complex conditional validation
A way to cast the result of a array to Set and object to Map
Prevent mixing different versions of joi schema types
Identify blocked schema (valid + invalid = no valid options)
Unknown object keys ignore abortEarly flag
Support ref in prefs.errors.language
Precompile prefs.messages and extensions
Move error related prefs to `errors`
Remove ability to change template for implicit label prefix in error messages
Remove implicit label prefix for error messages
Rename `language` preference to `messages`
Rename messages.wrapArrays with wrapArrays
Change object.rename() from description to { regex } when using from pattern
Support `{.}` in error for value
Remove isJoi from Errors.Report
Pre-compile error messages
Language format requires # prefix for error context
Change "context:" ref prefix in errors to "ref:global:"
Replace ref.type description to ref.ref
Replace {{!var}} notation with {var}
Replace escapeHtml with escapeErrors
Joi.ref() is not a function
Remove object.rename.regex.multiple and object.rename.regex.override errors
Change object.rename() override option to not delete existing if nothing match
array().sort([{ order, by }])
Fix: Exponential decimal #1876
Mark rule for keep
Flatten language object
Rule sets
Joi.number() throws error for "0.00000095" string.
Labels only used on path edge
Remove flags argument from createError()
Add object.schema() type support
Replace alternatives.child with alternatives.match error code
New alternatives.types error code
Remove support for string or array or errors return value from error() function
Bidirectional describe() <-> build()
Support multiple languages at the same time
Joi.ref() map option
Merge positive and negative number rules into single sign rule
Consistently use Utils.assertOptions() in all rules with options
when() switch statement
Remove any.createOverrideError()
Remove this from error() function
Remove self option from error()
Remove automatic example validation
.rename() causes errors when nothing has to be renamed
Remove case flag
Remove trim flag
Remove byteAligned flag
Remove precision flag
Error on unreachable when() statement
Forbid chaining when() calls when the first was not on alternatives type
any.error() fails to clear self option in override call
Skip type check if valids fail
Change object and array errors to use path instead of nested errors
String multiple email address
Limit array.single() to only non-array items
Remove Hoek.reach() options from Ref
Unique tests duplicated on concat()
Perform base type conversions before extension pre
Apply array.single() regardless of options.convert
Run extension coerce only if options.convert is true
Remove isJoi from schema
Array items using references to array peers are ignored in order of processing
Change reference view in array item rules
Move func().ref() to object().ref()
Change Ref to class
Remove isRegExp from object.rename description
string min/max/length description missing encoding
string.truncate() doesn't account for max with ref
Apply only last min/max/length rules
string methods change provided options
Description changes
Inconsistent reference error reporting
Reduce reach
Multiple email address validation
Ability to perform custom calculations on referenced fields
Number validation fails with a valid number (".30")
fix: copy object including Symbols
Make certain rules (min/max/length) override themselves revisited
Don't delete object key when it equals the in a rename with regex
Merge v14 changes
V14 temp
Customize formatting for dates in error messages of min/max/greater/less (with ISO default)
Validate base64 URI safe strings
Translate validation messages based on header request
truthy() / falsy() values apply when convert is false
Joi.string().uri() accepts "https://" as a valid url
Continue array validation even if items() fails
Caching for strings / numbers / booleans
Allow validate options to be passed through assert/attempt #1722
Check all errors on joi.assert and joi.attempt
Validate URI domain
Ref inside top-level array items/ordered
Joi should not strip non-enumerable properties of an object
Support schema keys with '.' (without forcing path reach)
Validation fails with valid UUID 3
Throw typed ValidationErrors
Reference above parent. Closes #1650
Support references above the parent
Move object rename to own function
Remove flatten arguments. Closes #1644
Support self references. Closes #1569
Remove all arguments flattening
Check for valid/invalid values after conversion only
Support ISO 8601 duration as a string validator
Validate ISO Duration string
schema.describe minor issues and feature suggestions
Allow self references
failover() support for default on errors
Specify required matches for .pattern()
Support regexp capture group for rename
Override rule message with any.message() rule
Throw typed errors
Validating a FQDN
Validate a number, which depends on other validate numbers
Replace marker with Symbol.for()
Add legacy API
bool() cannot be binded
remove strip from defaults now that it has been removed
breaking changes
Validate object keys related to another value
Override extension language
Pass options to pattern validation to support refs
.pattern doesn't respect .valid when using .ref
Extension which has a return value in setup() does not call validate()
Undocumented strip option on Joi.validate
Resolved issue of maximum call stack exceeded
base64 validation returns RangeError
Replace isemail with @hapi/address
Fix dependency
Add legacy API
Change module namespace
joi.bind yields any() methods not fully bound
path-related methods (`with(), `nand()`...) broken when applied on `func()`
Destructuring Throws Fatal
Add array().assertItem(). Closes #1656
Complex array validation requirements
Custom message overload another one
joi errors not overriding for nested objects
In case custom error messages are passed to Joi.any.error, joi.validate returning parent object error even if child validation fails.
Extensions remove language of previous extension with the same base
Bump to lab@18. Fixes #1653.
Add object().oxor(). Closes #1628
xor but none required
invalid mime types on data uri
fix condition, add tests for safe numbers
Using Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER throw error that number unsafe.
Remove engines
Maximum call stack size exceeded​​ error from Joi.defaults with Joi.empty flags
object().with using nested paths validates when it shouldn't in Joi 14
14.0.0 Release Notes
Default stripUnknown = true to only strip object keys, not arrays
Overriding array.min() when using reach
Trying to get multiple custom error messages in details array with {abortEarly: false}
Chaining multiple examples does not overwrite the old examples
#1477 Add Support for nested path with Joi.object().or(), .nand(), .and(), .with(), .without(), .xor()
Error at integer validation
Max safe integers
.example SHOULD perform validation on the provided value
Joi.object().or() does not support nested paths
Joi.string().regex() with support for all modifiers
Need to override twice the key name for error messages
Feature Request: lazy once
Year-only iso date string is parsed incorrectly
Chaining string.insensitive() will not convert values with lowercase/uppercase modifiers
Make certain rules override themselves
Number validation on '0x1' reports no error with a value of 0.
Add symbol() type
Add Symbol() support
Add value to number.base errors
Add enabled flag to string.trim()
Add boolean flag to Joi.string().trim()
Add optional "config" param to array.unique for ignoreUndefined. Closes #1498
Data uri validation
Validating unique optional fields in array elements.
Allow square braces in URL validation
URI validator rejects query param square brackets
Where is the documentation for `this.createError()`?
Extended object does not parse JSON
Joi.reach() can no longer handles empty string path
remove indirect require reference to index.js
require('../') statement in schemas.js causing bundler issues.
add date greater less rules
Allow object keys to be verified by schema
Add a key validator with Joi objects
Correct way to write an "identity" extension?
Is it possible to capture the value of field being validated in custom error messages using the options - language
Use Set() for handling of unprocessed keys
Add byteAligned option to hex string
Use Set() for internal Set backend
Cannot validate an array with 'constructor' as unique entry
Add new validation number().port()
Include describe() documentation in API. Fixes #1447
Add an object.append() method. Fixes #1381.
Changed a separator for path parameter to pre-split array approach for Joi.reach
Avoid redundant copies of settings
Fix cloned valid() / invalid() object values
Add an separator parameter to Joi.reach
Add an object.append() method
Validate port numbers
undefined in the array with label returns wrong missing value message
Asserts that two arguments are provided to object.with() and object.without()
Fix object pattern in combination with empty
Remove validation from .example
joi.ref doesn't work properly with max() function for dependant dates
Should .example perform validation on the provided value?
Impossible to disable language.key in options
13.0.0 Release Notes
Bump joi to node 8+
breaking changes
Commercial version of v12 branch
12.0.0 Release Notes
$-sign in object keys are escaped in the ValidationError message
Allow `alternatives.when` to "peek" inside the current value
Missing `language` entry in `joi.extend` causes obscure runtime error
import { any } does not work on v11
Fixes [#1239]
Rename multiple keys to another name
Add Joi.func().class()
Remove items module dependency
Add promise-like API to validate. Fixes #1314.
Support promises on `validate()`
Add string.normalize for unicode normalization
Feature request: Unicode normalization
remove empty flag if only reset is used
describe doesn't work for empty() breaking lout
empty string is wrongly accepted as a timestamp
11.0.0 Release Notes
Error: Item cannot come after itself
There is a bug in 10.6.0 API Reference.
Joi.defaults(): Cannot default object type
Add `Joi.defaults()`
ipv6 with cidr greater than 32
Fix Value Range for IPv6 CIDRs
ipv6 string with mask between 33 and 128 are rejected.
Update isemail from 2.x.x to 3.x.x
Allow passing an option to string().isoDate()
string isoDate should allow the string to be converted to same format as date iso schema
Errors: context.key is actually the label, not the key
Passes the "default" function to the schema description
[Request] Add detail to .describe for function defaults
Email validation doesn't allow emails which are compliant with RFC 6530
#1201 - setup can return joi object to replace origin schema
Performance Improvements for string().guid()
Added the ability to use a reference for Array min/max/length
Question: how to extend joi to add some key by rule?
Fix #1156 - Adds support for optional base64 padding validation.
base64 validation too strict; padding is optional
Array length cannot reference to another field
Make isemail an optional dependency
Nested child/uncle condition causes annotate() to throw
add forbiddenKeys method to object
Alternatives respect subsequent "when"s if first has only "otherwise"
Alternatives based on a type with only otherwise take precedence over any following one
Keep converted values even when stripped for reference uses
Add "options" to describe output
Joi.any().options() should be reported in .describe()
alternatives doesn't work with error
Label in object.and()
Add basic error overriding
number().integer() can fail for values outside MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
Don't try to touch custom error messages with attempt message
Possible bug in custom Error message
Fix #964 Joi wrong value parsing
Joi wrong value parsing
Avoid unnecessary clones
"Describe" behavior changes for "implicit" Any with extended Joi
Creating multiple extensions for the same base type
Unexpected interaction between Joi.object().unknown() and stripUnknown
Joi valid fails, when ref is used with a stripped key.
allow param defaults to be set by the param validations
noDefaults behaviour with any.empty()
Added support for ISO_8601 expansion (+/-YYYYYY)
Allow shorthand accessor string in array().unique()
Provide value which duplicates an item in array().unique()
Path of array().unique() is wrong
breaking changes
Fix boolean strings parsing
adding validation for unnecessary arguments in primary types.
Request: Warn when functions are passed unexpected arguments
[Request] truthy/falsy case insensitive
trim + empty confuses me
10.0.0 Release Notes
Implement String.regex "invalidate" configuration
added support for string.uri relativeOnly option
Clean up any.valid code
Conditional validation of object properties with different parent key
Extend describe() for type
Extending describe() to include renames in metadata
object renames do not appear in describe api.
Joi.string().invalid (not, disallow) doesn't support regex?
Added a string.base64() method.
Suggestion: Joi.string().uri({ allowRelativeOnly })
Update Joi.validate options with removal of error
Add support for truthy/falsy boolean values
Move time rules to an extension
Bugfix/error annotate
Ref will not be converted if it is inside array passed to default
Adds UUID Support
.without(), runs before .empty()
required() does not catch specific empty values
Coercion doesn't run early enough
Returning credit card number when is valid, fixes #948
Credit Card returning null when valid
Fix missing top-level methods
Extended Joi does not contain certain top-level functions
labels don't always get included in error messages with Joi.extend()
Different error message for date().format()
Check error messages in tests
9.0.0 Release Notes
number.multiple() enhancement - Issue #916
number.multiple() throws exception for non-integer and ref values
Treat empty string as null
Add Joi.object().schema()
Fix item ref. Closes #892
References in array items() do not work
Add synchronous extensibility
any.label() significantly slows validation of large arrays
Add the ability to specify a comparator for `array.unique()` for objects only
custom compare for Joi.array().unique()
Allow 1 to be true and 0 to be false.
RFC: Joi plugins/extensions/custom functions
#919 failing validation for millisecond value
Using empty in items on sparse array allows undefined elements.
Synchronous schema.validate fails if called with options
Add stripUnknownKeys option to Joi.validate
stripUnknown: What is the expected behavior when validating nested data? (array)
Proposal: string().truncate()
Recursive schema (tree-like) validation
When using reach, changing the label doesn't get applied, when an existing label is there
Support error override per rule. Closes #882
Support error override per rule
Joi 8.x breaks describe().meta in alternatives
Fix RegEx translation of IP6 BNF, where [] denotes an option
TypeError: cannot delete property '0' of [object String]
Return any.empty error for trimmed whitespace (fixes #827)
Example for Array Schema Not Possible
Unexpected Errors with Strings
Description of assert modifying the original value
8.0.0 Release Notes
Problem with multiple when and conditional forbidden field
Multiple alternatives with default
Print string versions of NaN, Infinity and -Infinity - resolves #696
NaN printed in cosole as null
Some refs not converted in .describe()
uri() fails RFC3986 4.2 relative reference URIs
Question: Validate against sub-schema?
Combine uppercase with valid
Improve error message
Label declaration/Validation
Generate versioned API Reference link in README
Date enhancements and support for Unix Timestamps
Date() does not validate Unix timestamp with fractional seconds (decimals)
Add a arity predicate for functions
Throw custom Joi Errors
Fix any.default() returns default object reference
`Joi.validate()` returns default object reference instead of clone
7.0.0 Release Notes
es6. Closes #754. Closes 755
Don't annotate non-object values
ES6 style changes and node v4
Fix any.default() returns default object reference
Add default status 400 to error thrown by Joi.assert()
removes leading "." from path at root object level
Exception throw on undefined object key makes it difficult to track down issue
Describe ordered arrays
makes allow/valid/invalid not accept undefined #734
Joi shouldn't allow Joi.any().valid(undefined).required()
Toggable ordered flag for array to match items against input in order
Allow treating arrays as objects
Fix function properties validation. Closes #729
Function keys validation converts function to object
Allow functions to act as objects. Closes #727
Allow function types to behave as object (e.g. have keys)
The index of an incorrect array entry is returned instead of the field name
Extending a schema
add attempt function
No dependency validation when object stripUnknown set to true
add hapi to package.json keywords so joi is searchable
Use hasOwnProperty from native object
removes trailing "." from or path
fix unknown nested key path
Add the "noDefaults" option
Validate without applying default values
allow passing an error object as message to assert
Updated regexp for more robust ISO 8601 validation
Implementation of white space normalisation.
Allow normalisation of white space
[request] string().replace(pattern)
stripUnkown on arrays removes valid objects when multiple items are defined
Fix allowing context refs on some string, number and date methods
help with `.or()`
Nested whens don't work
Create default [highly nested] object easily?
Alternatives throw typeError when "is: null" is used
Property is always required even when my When() condition isn't met.
Add IP Address Validation and Separate IP and URI Logic to Files
Add ignoreUndefined flag for rename()
Error when .rename() from undefined
Number compare functions allow decimal numbers
Support for decimal numbers for min, max, less, greater number methods
number min/max/greater/less do not allow decimal values
Add reference support for String.min/max/length
Add reference support for Number.min/max/greater/less
do ref-able operations support referring to a list?
References for Number comparisons?
Comparison between fields
Annotate fails on circular objects
Validate multiple options with presence key in it
Error: stripUnknown should be one of required, optional, forbidden, ignore
Fix regression on unsafe string escaping in language
.rename() does not work when new value is undefined
Joi.array().items(...) error message changes
No conversion is done inside Joi.array().items
6.0.0 Release Notes
respect stripUnknown in arrays
add any.strip for objects and arrays
Lost key after validation on assert
Object with 'or', keys contains an array with a 'null' element
how to concat array of objects inside an object property
deprecate array.includes and array.excludes, use array.items and allow required and forbidden within
Incomplete validation message
add some additional guards and tests for #363
Does array include allow nested object properties
string hex characters only
Really custom messages are impossible
allow passing a method to .default(), for #363
added number.multiple()
Consider renaming 'valid' to 'enum' or an alias
Bad behavior of Joi.object().concat()
multipleOf method for Number?
throw when invalid options are provided
joi.array().includes path and errors mismatch
Allow options to be passed to
Helpful regexp message
Add URI Validation
support factory-function in .default() ?
Strange behaviour with date + raw
Make alternatives.describe more consistent
Add new requiredKeys option specifically for object keys
Option to validate a date format but not convert to a date object
Support for references in `date.min()` and `date.max()`?
Possible referencing date field to other date field?
Convert date regex to date before comparison. Closes #503.
#503 throws error when required() is used.
Joi.array() modifies original array
5.0.0 Release Notes
array.unique doesn't validate duplicate dates
Joi.number allows Infinity
add missing semicolon
array().includes() should not allow undefined
Round number.precision if options.convert
Return context with errors.
Transformation support
Code assertions requires () for exist tests
Validate object constructor.
Check if value is a RegEx
Date "now" refers to date when schema was compiled
Retain object reference when no rules specified
Upgrade Lab
Address internationalization issues.
change implementation of creditcard to use string
Named string regex patterns.
implements credit card validation
implements nand
Add greater() and less() to number type. Closes #411
correction for Describe with a "0" argument
Describe with a "0" argument
Enable to pass "now" in date.min and date.max
Use Object.create in Any.clone to improve IE9 support
Added any.label method
Add format and iso to date type
Credit card validation
Number min/max exclusive or closed ranges respectively?
ensure date does not occur in the past
Negative-Integer-Strings are not properly converted to Date instances
Support NAND
Support optional message prefix in assert()
Fix typo.
Override default presence
Set different default presence mode (required, forbidden)
Added ability to validate the number of decimal places
Add duplicates validation to array
Upgrade lab 4.0
Added check for global flag in pattern.
Default Assert Message
Path for array includes to contain key
Describe object.pattern
Removed unused sys import.
Bug Hunt: empty object() + pattern() + unknown(false) fails to error
Allow empty string after trim
Cast milisecond strings to a date object
Don't rename when there is nothing to rename.
Sanitizing blanks
isemail 1.0
Add Hoek isImmutable flag
Support {{!key}} notation to securely encode unsafe values
Recognize Joi errors
breaking changes
Array includes fails if called multiple times
Replace internal implementation of required/optional/forbidden
when() option 'is' cannot be falsey
alternatives().when() behaves inconsistently with any().when()
concat() fails to remove valid/invalid values
Bug hunt: Joi.any().when is not evaluated it its value is empty even if the when condition is fulfilled.
Joi.any().when is not evaluated if empty
Bug Hunt: unable to rename keys that are empty strings
Bug Hunt: empty string key causes incorrect validation
add uppercase, lowercase, and trim for strings
Bug Hunt: invalid Date objects do not cause failure.
Recursively describes the includes of array schemas #312
Describe should also compile and describe array's rules
Bug Hunt: email addresses longer than 254 should not be valid
Bug Hunt: email addresses with a "local part" > 64 characters should not be validated
Verify encoding type is string
Add test to check for valid encoding param to binary
Bug Hunt: valid IPv6 domain literals in email addresses fail validation
Bug Hunt: double-quoted local-parts of email addresses cause validation failure
Object key rules by patterns
Thoughts on something like any.meta(obj)?
string().lowercase() and string().uppsercase()
Cannot override context
Joi.forbidden() fails when added to an existing type
Support references to external context
Test for retaining ignored values
Make callback optional argument
Convert tests to actual async style
Allow valid to take buffer values
remove extra var internals. Closes #290
extra var internals in binary.js
Fix to make object.and all-or-nothing - fixes #284
Bug Hunt: object.and is supposed to be all-or-nothing
breaking changes
Cleanup language file
date() allows boolean value
Support when() on any()
Undo #273, remove options from schema.validate()
Remove module generic validate() and describe()
Undo 268
schema concat()
Alt fails to report references
Rename alternatives.attempt() with try()
Move interfaces from func at root to const
Add alternatives.attempt() to allow adding more schemas
Make [] and alternatives() behave exactly the same
Support references in default()
object.keys() append behavior
Allow referencing the value of other keys in conditions
Error messages should not include <root>
Array should only convert string arrays
Move dependencies (with,without, or, xor) to object level
Keep input const and return modified value via validate callback
Remove modify option
Validate callback, rename move to object
Move rename() to object()
Change validate() to return value via callback
Alternatives bug fixes
Move object() constructor args to keys() method
unit() documentation method
rename() applied incorrectly
alternatives() fails to apply conversion when lower priority match has valid()
alternatives() fails to apply conversion of matching schema
alternatives() incorrectly allows null when no valids present
Error inheritance is troublesome
match() -> test()
Support literal values as valid() condition
testling support
Add testling-ci badges
Add support for binary type
Incorrect ValidationError.annotated() output with abortEarly
example() documentation method
Add hostname matching to Joi.String
Find full path to nested errors
array() should set a specific detail.path
Precompile schema
Conditional rule based on value of another key
64-bit limits in min()/max()/integer()
Added support for buffer length
Describe references as such
Ref and Alternatives.when don't handle empty string keys
breaking changes
Remove language file support
Bring coverage back to 100% after lab logical statement support
hoek 2.0
number allows string even with strict()
Immutable schema objects. Closes #221
Change object to immutable
Change locale support to something that works with browserify.
Enable all any() methods on array()
Allows using any.rename() and any.default() together
Allow language override directly via options
Support for union types in schemas.
Bring coverage back to 100% after lab fix
Polluted request.payload by adding undefined field
Throws error when field is missing and abortEarly=false
set defaults #181
setting defaults
#179; add failing test for renames nested within array
Embedded validators in Array().includes don't work
Modify does not change internal values in array
closes #175. missing required keys no longer throws.
Required based on value on other key
breaking changes
Array.includes() does not support more than 1 type
with constraint doesn't seem to be respected
Validate date supporting arbitrary format
Array doesn't validate correctly if includes() uses valid()
Update error messages to not have encoded characters
Array is accepted as an Object type
Remove Number.float()
.valid() and .invalid() need a case-insensitive mode
Adding support for special Any type
.with and .without accept an array of args as well
Add Type.Any
Consistent usage of Array.isArray()
Custom Error Messages
Add validation tests for every type's methods with complex combinations
String().valid doesn't invalidate bad values
StringType.min(3) doesn't validate undefined correctly
Adding tests to joi