
chore: target node 14
chore: change package namespace and upgrade dependencies
feat: add underscore support
fix: minor improvements to typings and binary conversion
breaking changes
Change API
Convert to TypeScript
Drop node 12 support
Update tlds.js
chore: update tlds
Update the TLDS for email validation
Invalid input error validating link in schema
Incorrect validation
Fails to invalidate URI delimiter chars on domain end
Email validations rejects valid email addresses
Support maxDomainSegments
Capture domain in relative uris
breaking changes
Only support node 12
"" is invalid email
Error on email
Add faster version of decodeURIComponent()
Relocate joi uri and ip validation regex
Error codes in a separate file. Closes #13
Export errors codes to allow translation
breaking changes
Add types
Drop node 8 support
Backport #20
Backport #18
Update tlds
Ensure Buffer presence before using it
Re-implement #4, #6
Revert Url hack
Make tlds optional
Replace punycode dep with URL hack
Support option to allow longer email addresses